Sincere thanks for what you're inspiring with this post .. I read "The Parable of the Sower" a couple of years ago, and find your summary and associations to be extremely insightful. I'm a former GenXer shaped by our society to covet security and wish away the changes we can all feel -- your writing prompts will challenge me to face this and develop some vision into transformation.

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Thanks so much Doug - I'm so glad you found your way here. There was so much more I wanted to say that I couldn't get into a short piece. Butler's work is so rich. I'm about to head over to The Parable of The Talents. I'll see you there!

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This felt like such a touching call for change, delicately sowed, ready for our own watering.

Thank you for sharing the fabulous-sounding book and the inspiration it continues to blossom.

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